Composite Bonding
Composite bonding is an excellent way patients can improve the appearance of their teeth. Composite bonding can improve your tooth’s coloring, repair damaged or decayed teeth, close the gaps between teeth, and improve the appearance of your smile.
Composite bonding is a straightforward and non-invasive procedure. Veneers take several visits to complete, whereas composite bonding is performed during one dental visit. It is done with minimal preparation and an anesthetic is not required unless the procedure includes filling in a decayed tooth.
The process is relatively simple. First, a color is chosen to match the exact shade of your teeth, then a mildly acidic solution is placed on the tooth to roughen the surface. The doctor removes the solution and applies a liquid bonding material on the tooth. Next, the resin is put on the tooth, shaped and made smooth to the desired shape. Finally, the composite is hardened using a curing light and polished until the resin matches the rest of the tooth surface. The doctor will repeat the process until the composite has reached its final form.
Interested in Composite Bonding? Call our Pacific Dental Group office at North Hollywood 818-356-4736 or our office located in Montebello at 323-725-6797 for an appointment.